Saturday, 30 March 2024
“Bali Belly is a disease caused by bacterial or viral infection through contaminated food or drink. "This disease often occurs in tourists who often try various local specialties."
Get to know Bali Belly and its causes
Apart from enjoying the beautiful beach views, one thing that you definitely shouldn't miss when on holiday to Bali is the culinary delights. In Bali, there are various types of food that are rich in herbs and spices that are very delicious and must be tried.
However, when you eat food you have never eaten before, your body will adapt. And if your stomach doesn't suit the local food, Bali belly can happen.
This condition is usually caused by viruses found in contaminated food and water. Based on the identification results, the viruses that most often cause this incident are Rotavirus and Norovirus.
Apart from viruses, this condition can also be caused by bacterial infections which also contaminate food. The bacteria commonly found in this case are E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter. These viruses or bacteria can enter the body through consuming food.
Well, considering that trying local food is something that should not be missed while on holiday, this makes Bali Belly possible. Moreover, Indonesia has a humid tropical climate, so bacteria can grow quickly.
The problem is, tourists don't have the same immunity as local residents. As a result, consuming exotic foods can make them susceptible to digestive problems.
Additionally, practices such as drinking tap water or consuming food rinsed in tap water or prepared by someone who has not washed their hands can also increase the risk of this disease.
Symptoms to Watch Out for
The symptoms of Bali Belly are the same as the symptoms of food poisoning, namely:
How to Overcome Bali Belly
If you experience the symptoms above, you should immediately see a doctor for treatment. Doctors can give antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, pain relievers and fluids to hydrate the body.
Another way to treat this condition is to take anti-diarrhea medication which can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets.
During recovery, you are advised to eat foods that are soft and lightly spiced. For example, chicken soup, boiled potatoes, bananas, porridge, and so on. You also need to keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of fluids, such as water and coconut water.
Tips to Avoid Bali Belly
You certainly don't want your holiday to be ruined because of a stomach ache. Here are tips that you can do to avoid this condition:
1. Pay attention to the water you drink
Remember, try to only drink bottled water. Apart from that, if you order drinks in a place that is not guaranteed to be clean, you should not use ice.
This is done to avoid the risk of ice cubes made from non-sterile water.
2. Keep it clean
While on holiday, make sure you wash your hands regularly using soap and running water, or an antiseptic liquid.
This is especially important before eating and after using the toilet. Apart from that, if you want to wash fruit or vegetables, avoid using tap water.
3. Pay attention to food
During the holidays, you should also choose fresh or freshly cooked food and try to avoid fast food. Apart from that, avoid consuming undercooked meat.
4. Use clean cutlery
Apart from paying attention to the food you consume, you also need to pay attention to the tools you use to eat.
When you want to eat, make sure the cutlery is clean and dry. If it is wet and not clean, you should avoid using the tool.
That is the explanation about Bali Belly. Don't forget to always have medicines ready to take with you when you go on holiday.